We have the boxing on the corners of the building. Spouting in the next week or so...and all the radiators have arrived! Note the wee whare garden happening in the bottom of the picture.
Pergola beams need to be shortened.
We are waiting for the top flashing to be welded for the arched window.
This is the front door made from the rimu beams. I am making a door pull from a pair of hand shears. Two coats of oil on so far.
Getting there. I'm working on the original windows that will go in on the right over the portico. We are focusing on getting a finish coat or two on all the primed wood and the spouting and rainhead done. The large curved window still needs to be flashed. Recycled back door needs a colour change!
All wooden sashes are now all in. The near window 'bars' were not spaced correctly so these were removed but now have been replaced. Next you will see the flashed and boxed corners done. I'll also get some photos of the plumbing that has been done.